Sky Dancers
The shrill, faint cry of sandhill cranes
rolled east across the morning sky.
Heading west, the bellies of arctic geese.
gleamed white against the blue.
the snow geese flew straight
into the sandhill cranes’ formation.
And the cranes,
The cranes greeted the geese,
forming a half circle.
And the geese swirled left
completing the sphere.
Half black, half white,
A fetish necklace in the sky.
Changing sides.
White and black
Black then white
they swirled and circled
In a dance of Celebration.
As if to say:
The sky is blue,
Blue and clear.
And we are heading home.
Then the birds began to spiral.
Awestruck, I watched them spiral.
I watched them spiral,
Spiral toward the sun.
Very nice thoughts. I have Norway, Iceland & Finland in my blood. Cold is cold. Sunshine, is nice when it is dry. Glad to have discovered your BLOG.