“…you know that we are so interwoven in the web of life that even our smallest acts have repercussions, that ripple through the whole web, beyond our capacity to see." ~Dugu Choegyal Rinpoche
One purpose of meditation is to honor and acknowledge our interdependence with one another and to
cultivate a sense of stewardship toward our world. Greed and lack of caring have systematically polluted
our air, destroyed the ozone and wreaked havoc on many of our species.
This week, in our meditations, let us focus on the air we breathe.
How can we possibly begin to heal our air? Ironically, we begin with our breath, in meditation. As we
follow the ebb and flow of our breathing, we raise our vibration. This is how we begin to heal with our
breath and become the wind of change, not just for ourselves, but for all.
Breathe healing, breathe oneness, breathe peace.